Saturday, October 12, 2013

Every Princess Needs A Drawbridge

YAY! We have pictures to post for this one!

As mentioned in a our last blog, we had a spectacular idea to decorate our door. And it was a surprisingly complicated process. (And if you're wondering why Emily hasn't posted yet since we are supposed to switch off the posts, it's because she is a ridiculously busy individual.... and I have no life. You will be hearing from her soon though!)

Believe it or not, what was the one thing we forgot at all THREE stores we visited for our decorations? Yep! Tape. Oops. We both dug through our drawers and I found some of that good, weird-looking tape. Then we were ready. It's a little more difficult to explain though, so now I'll just bring in the pictures. The back of the door has a math-related back story. I will be back!

This is our door!!!!!
Quick Disclaimer: It is Emily's artistic talent that created this minions. The most I can say I contributed is the eyes, hair, and the poster. Her level of awesomeness is beyond the ability to express. =D

One of my personal favorite features, the Harry Potter minion. 

Another of our favorite features. The gentle reminder that we are beautiful princesses every time we come back to our room!

Looking back, we totally should have added our faces over theirs just so we could be cool. Emily is Ariel and/or Cinderella depending on her mood. And I am Rapunzel!

We have my uncle and his office to thank for  the epic-ness of this poster. He was able to print it out for us. Together, Emily and I had edited it. The quote says, "Too many people grow up. That's the real trouble with the world. Too many people grow up. They forget."

Our door before we added the mini minions. It's also in better light than the next picture is even though it's not complete.
The finished front of the door!
So far, we were both liking our drawbridge. Of course, when we closed the door that night, it just looked depressing and totally LAME on the inside! We had mounted the mirror and all we had now was the mirror and the peephole. Really? After everything we had just gone through to awesome up the front door, all we had not was the mirror inside. Seriously?!

Emily and I looked at each other and she gave me her mischievous grin (Anyone who knows Emily well KNOWS this grin. And fears it), and I knew she had come up with something brilliant. "Let's make a big minion on the inside of the door!"

I thought for a second, studied the scraps of construction paper that littered the floor, and estimated just how much would be needed. I had everything planned out within seconds, looked back at Emily and said, "Okay!"

Her eyes widened. "Really? I was just kidding."

"Yep." (Looking back I'm noticing that once I get an idea in my head, nothing is going to get it to leave! Poor Emily.) I said, bobbing my head up and down in excitement, a movement that still can't quite be described as nodding. "We're going to do this!"

Once that was settled, we set the paper on the floor and tried to figure out how to get it from there to the door. With the mirror already up, we were going to have to work around that. We just stared at each other, totally clueless. Now what?

"We could just put the paper up and cut around it." Emily suggested.

I gave her a look (I don't actually know what the look expressed, but I HOPE it showed exasperation, because that' what I was aiming for). I didn't want to try taping up papers just to cut them out and have everything fall off because you just cut the tape off the paper and then having to try to tape it back up without messing up what you just cut out. Yeah. No thank you! But of course I was having trouble coming up with a better idea. Just as it started to look like we might just have to do something annoying and painful like that, I thought about math.

We're honors students. Which honors student would avoid doing math one week into school? ;)
So I sat down, measured the door, measured one of our finished minions, the mirror, and brought out some math, felt a little like a nerd, put Disney music on, and had Emily correct me more than once on my calculations. Then we had the dimensions for the minion mirror door and we began to lay the paper.

The beginning of something great! Can you see the measuring tape on the top and right side?
Emily, with her incredible artistic talent, drew and cut out the minion. I helped tape the pages together and then on the wall, and helped create the details like the eye and hair. It took a little while, but it was finally finished.

Unfortunately, the lighting is poor in these pictures too. In case you were curious, the first picture shows off my side of the room, and the second shows Emily's.

It was definitely a ton of work, but Oh. So. Worth. It! =D


1 comment:

  1. MINIONS!!!!!!! Love the door!

    - Cassie

    P.S. And, Emily, I'm Casey's "Auntie Cassie".
