After Emily moved in, I resolved to give her the same time to adjust back into the room that she had given me. Honestly, I think I might have been just a tiny, little bit intimidated by her. I don't know why, but I was. So I spent that weekend at my grandparent's house thirty minutes away.
As Sunday night drew to a close, I knew I was going to have to actually meet my roommate. I had spent only a few minutes with Emily on Saturday, after she moved in. I had attempted to help her unpack, which ended up being me forcing myself on her as she tried to put her things away and struggle to find me something to do. I hadn't wanted to annoy her, and the whole episode may have been what ended up really prompting me to spent the weekend away. Whatever it was, I was about to return to Owen #207.
When I walked into the room Monday morning, I discovered that she had already left, probably in her first class. Mine wasn't until 11, so I sat on my bed and tried to absorb the weirdness of having to share a room with someone. We fit in it surprisingly well. I was expecting cramped spaces, angry notes demanding the know where I had put something, my side of the room torn apart and searched, the horrible and dramatic embodiment of the Hollywood roommate. But it wasn't. I think that was the first time I began to think the whole roommate thing might not be as bad as the movies had led me to expect.
That night was back-to-school night that Fred Meyer put on. School supplies were going to be cheap, and I still needed a binder. When Emily returned from her classes that night, I asked if she was thinking about going.
"Yeah, I still need to go pick up some things. I need a binder and some paper. I was going to take the bus." She said, referring to the shuttle bus the school had hired to take students back and forth between the store and campus. After talking for a few minutes and getting to know each other a little better, we agreed to go together on the bus.
We went to dinner together that night (the first night of a wonderful tradition), and on the way back, I had the brilliant(?) idea to take my car. After all, it would be quieter, we could get to know each other more, what could be better? It took me a few minutes to convince Emily, but then we were decided. We would take my car.
Then we had another brilliant(?) idea. We should decorate our door! YEAH! Why not!? That could be fun! Despicable Me and Disney Princesses.
The drive to the store that night was incredibly enjoyable. We listened to music, talked about our families, and just hung out. We got the things we needed at Freddy's. Binders, paper, construction paper, a mirror. But they had NOTHING princess related. SERIOUSLY!?!? Who does that?! Losers!
But I digress.
As we went to leave, well... Okay, before I say this, let me just point out that I have only been driving since graduation this year. I cannot claim to be the most adept at this magic called "driving". And it was at least 10:30, so it was dark outside, Okay. And I mean, yes I've driven in the dark before. I didn't get off work sometimes until 11:30 or midnight, so I did have some experience. I think it was just Emily throwing me off.
As we went to leave as we were making our way through the parking lot I realized, quite loudly, "OH! I need to turn my lights on!" Right in front of us was a couple (we were by this time in front of the doors of Freddy's) and they had stopped right in the middle of the road and were hugging or something. (Seriously!? Who DOES this?!) And that's when I decided to turn my lights on. However, decided might be too strong of a word. It was more like that's when my lights just happened to turn on, because I turned them on, because I just realized I needed them on. And I hadn't even recognized what it would mean if I turned my lights on right there. It kinda just... happened. oops. BUT THEIR FACES!!!!!! It was absolutely amazing! If I could do it again, would I? In a second just so I could see their faces again! Oh. My. Gosh! It was awesome! And Emily just looked at me and burst out laughing, and then I could barely drive after that couple had overcome their surprise enough to move out of the way because I was laughing so hard because Emily was laughing so hard. And every single time we attempted to leave the laughing behind, we'd look at each other and it would happen again. It was an... eventful ride home. Especially because I forgot to turn my lights back off when we got there. Oops! =D
We sat in our room for a few minutes and began to access our purchases. And we realized, we didn't have all the stuff to make our door pretty with.
"So now what?" Emily asked me.
And of course, I suggested the only thing that made sense. "Let's go to Albertsons!"
Emily gave me a look that can only be described as skepticism. It was warranted. I was wearing slippers. But her words didn't match. "This late?"
"Yeah! Why not?!" I looked at the clock again. It wasn't even 11 yet!
Her skepticism was replaced with anticipation and anxiety. "Okay." She said warily. "Let's go."
Of course, because, hey, it's my luck, I continue to have trouble with remembering to turn on and off my lights the rest of the night, leaving them on for a moment when we reached Albertsons until I remembered AFTER we had locked the doors, getting again halfway out of the parking lot before remembering my lights (but there were no weird couples there), and it was to continue. While we were at Albertsons, we found nothing, and decided to go to Walmart (even more anxiety from Emily. This time I understood. Who really actually WANTS to go to Walmart at 11 or 11:30 at night?! Ab-sol-freaking-nobody!). We needed to get the decorations for our door.
We were laughing constantly now, and enjoying every moment of our time together. I was even starting to overcome my roommate qualms and getting use to her. Even *GASP!* starting to LIKE her!
At Walmart, we were more excited about playing in the isles than actually finding what we were looking for and it was well past midnight before we reached our room again. But the fun had lasted all night, we had bonded, and we were so tired the door was left to wait for that weekend. But that is another math-involved story. =D
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