Friday, October 11, 2013

In the Beginning, The road to Roommate-dom

The thought of having a roommate scared me. I was determined to NOT have to deal with that drama. After all, what if she was scary, or a party-girl, or a snoop? What if she had no boundaries and went through all my stuff? What if we didn't like each other? And I definitely was not good with sharing a room! I haven't shared a room with anyone in years! It would be enough of a new experience just to leave home an go to college. Forget a roommate! It was with these thoughts, that I signed up for Rendezvous. After all, I was in the honors program. I was bound to get in!

A few weeks later, we had early registration at Idaho State. I walked through the doors to the student union building with my mom's final good-bye ringing in my ears. I walked onto campus alone and attempted to find where I was meant to be. After five minutes, I found myself in the Bengal theater where over one hundred other incoming prospective freshman sat, most with their parents, waiting to split up and register for classes. Within seemingly seconds, I was swept away with those other honors students, selecting my classes, and finalizing them in the ballroom. Inside, there were booths set up with computers which would allow each student to upload their classes, displays from some of the most prominent and important groups and departments on campus, and, of course, the refreshments. After I finished with the computer, I hunted down housing. They were sure to have a booth set up. And I was right. I sat in line for a few minutes, made it through to the front and was told, "Hi! You have a room in Redfield."

I could have cried. What was going on?! "I'm in thee honors program. Isn't Owen the next overflow area for the honors students?" I asked. For a moment the man I  was talking to looked confused, looked at the computer again, and looked back at me, his face still set in his weird, confused stare, but with some certainty in his eyes.

"Well. The housing has you in Redfield. But I'll put a note on our application about the honors program. I think you're right."

Fairly certain now that I would not be making it to Rendezvous, I was determined to see the dorm rooms. I set up a tour for the dorms, and called my parents. Five minutes before the tour was to begin, they hadn't shown and I was forced to go on the tour by myself and one other prospective student. When we reached the Owen/Redfield complex, where all the rooms are identical to the room I would be staying in, I couldn't believe it! This room was TINY! It was about the size of my room back home, and I had that one to myself! How could I be expected to share if i did end up having a roommate?!

I just hoped I made it through the waiting list for Rendezvous. There was no way I could handle it. Or at least get a single room. I could probably work with that.

As the weeks wore on, I thought little about my housing situation at ISU. I graduated, hang out with friends and family, got distracted with work, had some fun with Madisyn, and enjoyed my last summer of no responsibilities. Until THE Email. That brought me back to reality.

THE Email ruined everything back then. THE Email told me my roommate's name.............. was Emily Holcomb.

I was surprised. It sounded familiar. At the same time, I was sure I didn't know her. So, what did I do? Well... What would any self-respecting 18 year-old who is about to leave home and live with some random stranger do? That's right. I Facebook stalked her.

It didn't take me long. Within 30 minutes I knew the face and some of the interests of my roommate. She was Christian, an Honors Student, had a little sister, liked the outdoors, had already been to ISU, which would make her a returning student, and, well... Let's just say I am a phenomenal Facebook Stalker.

The last of my summer seemed to fly by. As the first week of school drew near, I decided to send an Email to this Emily and introduce myself. After all, she was not likely to be as skilled as myself at Facebook stalking. Her reply reinforced much of what I already discovered on y own, but it also added her major. Nursing. My mom went to school for nursing. Great. I'd have to listen to her nursing stories too. Now I was really excited to move in! On the bright side, I'd have a few days to myself before she actually made it in.

And soon that time was over. And SHE put her things in our room. I was nervous, I was anxious, and I was slightly dreading the experience. I will never get over how wrong I was.


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